MareNostrum 5’s Inauguration Day: three-day countdown starts today!

The inauguration of MareNostrum 5 represents a significant step towards the next frontier of supercomputing, at exascale, reinforcing Europe’s role at the forefront of global technological innovation.

MareNostrum 5 (MN5), the supercomputer that will boost advanced computing and scientific research in Europe, will be inaugurated on December 21, at the Barcelona Supercomputer Centre (BSC).

With a maximum performance of 314 petaflops (314 million billion calculations per second), MN5 will replace its predecessor MareNostrum 4, significantly increasing processing capacity and opening doors to new possibilities in research. The heterogeneous machine combines different systems: a general-purpose partition dedicated to classical computing, an accelerated GPU (Graphics Processing) partition designed to push the boundaries of knowledge in artificial intelligence and other partitions with innovative technology with and without acceleration. And Portuguese beneficiaries will have approximately 5% of MN5’s capacity allocated to them!

The MN5 is 50% financed by EuroHPC Joint Undertaking and the remaining 50% is co-funded by Spain, Portugal and Turkey, having a total budget of 223 million euros.

This collaboration marks a joint effort to place Europe as global leader in supercomputing as the MN5 represents a significant milestone in scientific and technological progress, enabling essential medical research, including drug research and vaccine development, virus propagation simulations, as well as artificial intelligence applications and processing large volumes of data. 

[Image credits: BSC]