Will you be part of the next generation of European HPC experts?

EUMaster4HPC is the first pan-European Master programme in High Performance Computing (HPC). The applications are open!

EUMaster4HPC is providing students with unique qualifications and career prospects in the rapidly expanding field of HPC, as well as an opportunity to live and study in different European cities. Through online and on-site courses, leading European specialists in HPC will be training the next generation of supercomputing experts.

Funded by the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU), the project consortium is led by the University of Luxembourg and composed of European universities, research/supercomputing centres and industrial and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) partners.

The master programme is bringing together major European experts in HPC education, as well as the European Technology Platform for HPC (ETP4HPC) – the most important European industry association of global leaders in supercomputing -, and will provide students with a broad range of valuable competences and skills in HPC and HPC-related technologies sought after by employers at the European and international level.

In addition, the EUMaster4HPC students are able to make the most of a broad network of different stakeholders across Europe involving: universities, research centres, supercomputing centres, private organisations, industry experts, centres of excellences (CoEs) and HPC-related entities.

Eligible students will be awarded a “Mobility Scholarship” from the EUMaster4HPC programme to support expenses inherent to the programme (travel and accommodation) and in order to achieve an inclusive and equal programme, the EUMaster4HPC will waive University fees for the eligible students.

Students interested in computer science or in solving engineering and scientific problems by using supercomputers, can apply through here.
Applications are open until March 31st.

Get to know the insights of the first EUMaster4HPC here and find out more about the project on the website.