Tag: NL2310
EuroCC Portugal’s MOOC on supercomputing is out!
The first MOOC on Supercomputing in Portuguese, developed as part of the EuroCC project, is available on the “NAU – always learning” platform. It’s totally free!
There’s news about JUPITER, Europe’s first exascale supercomputer
The contract for the acquisition of JUPITER was signed last Tuesday, October 3, between EuroHPC JU and the German company ParTec and the French company Eviden. Europe’s first exascale supercomputer will be installed in early 2024 and features an innovative configuration!
Deucalion has arrived and is expected to be “decisive in the advance of humanity and science”
The Portuguese Prime Minister, the Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education and the executive director of EuroHPC JU were at the University of Minho on September 6 for the inauguration of the new Portuguese supercomputer – the fastest ever.