16-18 June 2021, online
(English only) As written on EOSCsecretariat website:
“The European Open Science Cloud has finally entered its highly-anticipated implementation phase. The EOSC Symposium will provide a key engagement opportunity for the EOSC community. The foundation of the EOSC Association in 2020 is a key element of the implementation phase (2021-2027). Building on the EOSC SRIA, the Association will establish a number of Advisory Groups and Task Forces by June. These will focus on priority areas as we enter into the implementation phase. At the same time, a plethora of EU, regionally and nationally funded research projects are carrying out activities, and actually producing key exploitable results which can contribute to this new phase.The Symposium also offers an inclusive platform for all stakeholders to share objectives, visions, activities and results in order to shape the future of the EOSC. The Symposium is organised by the EOSCsecretariat.eu project as part of its support to the EOSC Governance.;
How to contribute:
In late April, we will be launching a call for contributions based on the priority areas for the implementation phase of the EOSC. Details on topics for the call will be published then. Participation may include presentations, flash presentations, participation in panel discussion, publication of one-page overview.”
Also, registration will open in near future.
More information available on EOSCsecretariat website: EOSC Symposium 2021