Tag: NL2401-EN
Will you be part of the next generation of European HPC experts?
EUMaster4HPC is the first pan-European Master programme in High Performance Computing (HPC). The applications are open!
Predictions & Trends on Technology to watch in 2024
January is coming to an end but there’s still eleven months ahead of us and they look promising in regards to technology
Coming soon: EuroHPC Summit 2024
March this year, Antwerp is the place to be for supercomputing stakeholders
Advanced Computing Projects Call: information session focused on Deucalion access
Applications to use the Deucalion supercomputer are open until February 8 and there will be a new information session this month, via Zoom, for those interested
13th International HPC Summer School
Designed to benefit scholars from various parts of the world, this year’s edition will take place in Japan
Tutorial on Advanced Use of Containers in HPC
LIP will be hosting a new tutorial this month and you can still register to attend
2nd Edition of the Course on Computational Biosciences using HPC Systems
Researchers and students who wish to upgrade their performance by acquiring new working tools: here’s an opportunity!
DeepSouth: the World’s First Neuromorphic Supercomputer
Researchers at Western Sydney University have recently revealed a groundbreaking supercomputer designed to simulate networks at the scale of the human brain
Webinar on Leonardo
If you’d like to know more about the supercomputer, there’s a new webinar coming up this month you can’t miss out!
Women in High Performance Computing launches a new project for 2024
Aimed at fostering workplace inclusivity in the High Performance Computing (HPC) industry, “Move The Needle” will kick off this month
RR – the new tool in town
Record-Replay (RR) is the revolutionary mechanism that speeds up GPU programs for scientific applications
MareNostrum 5’s Inauguration Day: three-day countdown starts today!
The inauguration of MareNostrum 5 represents a significant step towards the next frontier of supercomputing, at exascale, reinforcing Europe’s role at the forefront of global technological innovation.