Category: Events
EGI2025 – The Leading Conference on Data-Intensive Science
EGI2025 brings together researchers, computing experts, and policymakers to explore the latest advancements in data-intensive science and computing.
EPICURE HPC in ARM Architecture Hackathon – Sign Up Now!
Explore ARM in HPC at the EPICURE Hackathon in Braga, Feb 4-7, 2025! Learn, collaborate, and optimize your code for the future.
Portugal Launches National Advanced Computing Center to Drive Science and Technology
Online presentation of the National Advanced Computing Center on January 31, promoting science, innovation, and collaboration.
International HPC Summer School 2025 in Portugal: A Unique Opportunity for Computational Science Scholars
Portugal hosts the 15th International HPC Summer School, empowering scholars in advanced computing from July 6-11, 2025.
4th Advanced Computing Meeting: Two Days of Collaboration and Innovation in Covilhã
Event focused on innovation and collaboration in advanced computing and AI, bringing together experts and promoting knowledge exchange.
IBERGRID 2024: Innovation and Collaboration in Porto
IBERGRID 2024 gathered specialists in Porto to explore new advancements in scientific computing.
4th Advanced Computing Meeting
On November 5th and 6th, 2024, the University of Beira Interior will host the 4th Advanced Computing Meeting, an event that brings together researchers, technicians, and decision-makers to promote collaboration and discuss key topics in the field. Registrations are now open!
The EPICURE GPU Hackathon, the first one organised by EPICURE, will focus on GPU programming, and it will take place in CINECA, Bologna, Italy, during the period of 28-31 October 2024.
NCC Portugal at the RES Users Conference 2024
The event took place in Malaga on September 17th and 19th.
EuroHPC User Day 2024
Join the EuroHPC User Day 2024 in Amsterdam for insightful sessions, networking, and showcasing cutting-edge supercomputing projects.
Vienna Ab-initio Simulation Package and Applications 2025
The registration and abstract submission periods for the EuroCC2 conference organized by the HPC Chair are now open.
The 13th Iberian GRID Conference will take place in Portugal, at the University of Porto, between October 28th and 30th. Registrations are now open!
Simulating the Future – Workshop on Computational Simulation using Ansys
The next EuroCC2 Portugal event will take place in June.
ISC High Performance 2024 to happen in May
Expect an active collaborative exchange on high performance computing (HPC), machine learning, data analytics and quantum computing
The 2nd Edition of the Course on Computational Biosciences using HPC Systems has come to an end
27 people have taken our course this time around! The 3-day initiative took place at the NOVA School of Science and Technology and brought together researchers looking to learn more about High Performance Computing (HPC)
Coming soon: EuroHPC Summit 2024
March this year, Antwerp is the place to be for supercomputing stakeholders
Advanced Computing Projects Call: information session focused on Deucalion access
Applications to use the Deucalion supercomputer are open until February 8 and there will be a new information session this month, via Zoom, for those interested
13th International HPC Summer School
Designed to benefit scholars from various parts of the world, this year’s edition will take place in Japan
Tutorial on Advanced Use of Containers in HPC
LIP will be hosting a new tutorial this month and you can still register to attend
2nd Edition of the Course on Computational Biosciences using HPC Systems
Researchers and students who wish to upgrade their performance by acquiring new working tools: here’s an opportunity!
Webinar on Leonardo
If you’d like to know more about the supercomputer, there’s a new webinar coming up this month you can’t miss out!
EuroCC Portugal organiza duas formações sobre computação de alto desempenho
Save the date! Two courses on high-performance computing are scheduled for October 17. The morning session is designed for those with no knowledge of the subject, while the afternoon session is for users with some experience.
Inscrições abertas para o Encontro RNCA 2023
Vila Real recebe o terceiro Encontro RNCA, entre os dias 7 e 8 de novembro. Esta edição será dedicada aos utilizadores e ao futuro da instituição.
September brings webinar about Artificial Intelligence for High-Performance Computing
The EuroHPC Joint Undertaking virtual event is scheduled for September 26 (Tuesday). It will last three hours, starting in the morning and ending at lunchtime.
The RNCA Meeting 2023 has already set a date and place!
The third edition will leave Lisbon and head to the north of Portugal, between November 7th and 8th. There will be more news soon, but it’s worth booking those days in your calendar now!
Computational Chemistry Modelling and Simulations of Finite Systems Workshop
The High Performance Computing Centre – University of Évora invites all students and researchers to participate. Sponsored by the EuroCC project (among others), it’ll take place online between September 12th and 13th. Previous registration is required. Secure your spot!
August brings virtual training workshop on Frontier supercomputer
The Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility is hosting a virtual event for new and potential users interested in learning how to work with the world’s fastest supercomputer. It is scheduled to run from August 23-25.
IBERGRID 2023: registrations are open!
The 12th Iberian GRID Conference will take place in Spain, at the Centro de Ciências de Benasque Pedro Pascual, between September 25th and 29th.
Jornadas FCCN 2023
The 14th edition of “Jornadas FCCN” will take place at the Escola Naval – Base do Alfeite in Almada, between the 27th and 29th of June 2023. Registration for this event is now open.
The benefits of using High Performance Computing in industries
FF4EuroHPC organizes webinars that seek to show the results of integrating high performance computing (HPC) technologies in organizations from different industrial sectors. The next session takes place on May 24th. Previous registration is required.
BigHPC project webinar series comes to a perfect end
The session “Three years contributing to improving Big Data Applications “support” in HPC” will be the last of the project. It is scheduled for the early afternoon of May 18.
Porto hosts workshop about Artificial Intelligence and Supercomputing for Science
From May 31 to June 2, HPC Admintech brings together HPC system administrators, researchers and developers to discuss visualization solutions, Big Data, Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence, among many other topics.
Counting down for ISC High Performance 2023
Europe’s biggest event for high performance computing is right around the corner. Hamburg hosts another edition, between May 21 and 25. Registration is now open!
April brings new webinar of the “HPC system & tools” series
The next session, organized by the RISC2 project, brings up for discussion ways to improve energy efficiency in high-performance computing clusters. It is scheduled for April 26th.
University of Grenoble, in France, hosts the EUMaster4HPC International Summer School
During the month of July, the University of Grenoble in France hosts the International Summer School, organized by the EUMaster4HPC program. This year it will be dedicated to high performance computing and the environment. Registration is already open!
IXPUG workshop: “Comunication, I/O, and Storage at Scale on Next-Generation Platforms”
On May 25, ISC High Performance 2023 conference hosts the Intel eXtreme Performance Users Group (IXPUG) workshop planned for system architects, code developers, research scientists, system providers and industry luminaries.
Want to know more about EuroHPC’s calls? Here’s how
FCT and ANI are organizing, on March 24 at 15h, an online information session about the European calls for research and innovation projects. Previous registration is required!
Webinar: A roadmap to quantum computing integration into HPC infrastructures
On March 15th, at 4pm, this hybrid computational approach that joins quantum computing and HPC will be under discussion at the meeting hosted by the RISC 2 project. Registration is already open!
The HPC Center at the University of Évora has scheduled a session to present the mobility grants for Europe
This meeting aims to disclose opportunities to teach, study or do an internship in various areas of computing. It will take place on March 8th, at 6pm, via zoom. Previous registration is required!
A new information session for the Advanced Computing Project Call is scheduled
“Are there supercomputers in Portugal? To whom are they available? How to access them? These are some of the topics that will be discussed in the RNCA initiative. It will take place on March 28, via zoom – and it’s free.”
April brings an Artificial Intelligence for Science Bootcamp
Multiple European institutions and entities have come together to organize this free, online training, which will take place on April 17th and 18th. The program is already set!
Combining HPC with Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics – there’s a webinar that’ll show you how to do it
The next meeting of the second series of the RISC2 project takes place on February 22 under the motto “Developing complex workflows that include HPC, Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics”.
Registrations are now open for the EuroHPC Summit 2023
The theme of the 2023 European High Performance Computing Summit has been set: European Supercomputing Excellence in the Exascale Era. It is scheduled to take place from March 20 to 23, in Sweden. The program is already available!
New BigHPC project webinar scheduled for the end of the month
The meeting, entitled “A deep dive on BigHPC platform delivery into HPC clusters”, will take place on January 26, Thursday, at 3pm.
BigHPC Project hosts new webinar
“Monitoring in BigHPC: Lessons Learned” is the next webinar organized by BigHPC. Taking place on November 17, it’ll bring together system managers and users to better understand and explore the platform developed in this project, which is supported by LIP.
The date and venue for the EuroHPC Summit 2023 has been set
The motto for the conference is out: european supercomputing in the exascale era. It’s scheduled for early next year, in Sweden.
Online workshop: HPC at service of medicine and pharmacies
FF4EuroHPC is organizing initiatives that aim to show the results obtained in experiences that have applied HPC technologies in small and medium-sized enterprises, in various sectors. The first workshop is already scheduled. It’ll be about healthcare.
September brings a debate about implementing the BigHPC Virtual Manager
The BigHPC project brings, every two months, a different topic to discuss. The next conversation is scheduled for September 22, with HPC experts from TACC and UT Austin – and will be moderated by a portuguese member!
Free course on Computational Biosciences using HPC systems
Save the date: from 12 to 29 September, researchers and students are invited to participate on this online course organized by UCIBIO in partnership with EuroCC project
IXPUG 2022 has a date and venue set
The annual Intel Extreme Performance Users Group event will be hosted by Argonne National Laboratory in Illinois (USA), from September 28 to 30. It’ill also be broadcast via zoom.
EGI 2022: The future of computing at research’s service
Prague hosts the annual event organized by EGI and CESNET. From September 20 to 22. EGI 2022 debates innovation in computing to ensure better and greater support for research.
Registration to the 3rd edition of LIP Data Science is now open
From June 27 to July 1, Coimbra hosts the 3rd edition of the Data Science School and Symposium, organized by LIP. All PhD students and young post-docs in physics and engineering are invited to participate!
ISC 2022: Europe’s biggest HPC event is about to start
Hamburg will host ISC High Performance 2022 from may 29 to june 2. Trends and major developments in HPC, machine learning and data analytics are the central topics of this years edition. More than 60 countries and three thousand attendees will be involved.
IBERGRID 2022: Delivering Innovative Computing and Data Services for Research
We are happy to announce that the 11th edition of the Iberian Grid Conference will take place in Faro, at the University of Algarve, from 10th to 14th October 2022.
Do you want to know how to improve HPC storage performance?
“User-level Software-Defined Storage Data Planes” is the second of the new round of webinars organized by the BigHPC project within the scope of the UT Austin Portugal program. It will take place on the 5th of May, at 15:00.
Webinar Series #1 | Linking GitOPS towards fast innovation over BigHPC
10 March 2022 | 3.00 p.m. (UTC) [English only] The BigHPC project is bringing together innovative solutions to improve the monitoring of heterogeneous HPC infrastructures and applications, the deployment…
22-24 March 2022 PRACEdays is one of Europe’s most important conferences on HPC in science and industry. Held annually in the spring, PRACEdays conference programmes are traditionally packed with…
EuroHPC Summit Week 2022, Paris, France
22-24 March 2022 The EuroHPC Summit Week 2022 will take place from 22 to 24 March in Paris, France. The conference will be hosted by GENCI, the French HPC agency, and…
NCC Portugal Nways to GPU Programming Bootcamp
13 – 14 April, 2022 [English only] The Portuguese EuroCC National Center of Competence, in collaboration with NVIDIA and, is hosting a GPU programming Bootcamp aimed primarily at…
Introduction to HPC Programming Environment
22-24 Novembro 2021 [English only] The Minho Advanced Computing Center (MACC) is organizing a training course on “Introduction to HPC Programming Environment“, which will be held online between 22 and…
ESFRI Days 2021
6-8 December 2021 The Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the EU and the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) are pleased to announce ESFRI Days, an event scheduled to take…
EuroCC First Mentoring Workshop on topic “Outreach and Collaboration with Industry and Public Sector”
28 October 2021 [English only] The first mentoring workshop will take place on Thursday, 28 October 2021, from 9:00-12:30 CEST. This workshop is open to everyone at EuroCC/ CASTIEL who…
EU Open Data Days – Shaping our future with open data
23-25 November 2021 [English only] Online from Luxembourg to the world: The Publications Office of the European Union is organising the first EU Open Data Days Data is a key asset for digital…
Research Data Alliance RDA 18th Plenary Meeting – Virtual
3-11 November 2021 [English only] RDA is a unique global community driven initiative working on building the social and technical bridges to enable sharing and re-use of data across…
2021 SEE User Forum
Strengthening the role of Research and Education Networks in the Open Science Era 3-4 November 2021 [English only] We are delighted to announce that (N)RENs in the South East…
EU DataViz’ 21
23-24 November 2021 [English only] EU DataViz is an international conference on open data and data visualisation addressing the needs of the public sector across the EU. Online from…
LUMI: the EuroHPC pre-exascale system of the North
Virtual ICM Seminars in Computer and Computational Science12 October 2021 – Time: 4pm CEST [English only] The EuroHPC initiative is a joint effort by the European Commission and partner…
International Open Access Week
October 25-31, 2021 International Open Access Week, a global event now entering its fourteenth year, is an opportunity for open access advocates to engage their communities to teach them…
FCCN jornadas de computação científica
19-21 Outubro 2021 [Portuguese Only] As Jornadas de Computação Científica são o ponto de encontro anual das diversas comunidades de gestores e de utilizadores das plataformas avançadas de computação, de comunicação…
UT Austin Portugal 2021 Annual Conference
20-21 October 2021 [English only] Join us at the UT Austin Portugal 2021 Annual Conference, this year in the city of Porto and with a mix of great hybrid…
Supercomputing Conference 2021
14-19 November 2021 Science & Beyond at SC21 HPC is fueling breakthroughs across industries in science and beyond, from academia to commercial enterprises, by harnessing data to unlock insights…
Beyond the Horizon – Shaping the Digital Future
[English only] EGI2021 will take place from October 19th until 21st. The conference theme is: “Beyond the Horizon: Shaping the Digital Future” This year, we’re looking at how EGI Federation…
[English only]GTC is the perfect opportunity to grow and enhance your skills with hands-on, instructor-led training. Register for GTC and access two-hour workshops for free. Or complete a full-day workshop and…
NVIDIA GTC Conference
Conference for AI Innovators, Technologists, and Creators8-11 November 2021 [English only] NVIDIA GTC is more than a must-attend AI conference for developers. It’s a global experience that brings together…
GROMACS Workshop
(English only) This event aims to provide an introduction on the use and on the features of a well-established and highly used package in the field GROMACS. Molecular Dynamic…
MUG: MACC User Group Workshop
(English only) The Minho Advanced Computing Center (MACC), FUJITSU and ARM have the pleasure to invite you to a MUG: MACC User Group Workshop at the University of Minho…
Parallel and Distributed Computing with MATLAB
09 Junho, 09:00 – 12:00 This event is organized with the collaboration of the Laboratory for Advanced Computing at University of Coimbra. Using the Parallel Computing capabilities in MATLAB allows users…
Running containers in your user space with udocker
Jorge Gomes (LIP)(EGI Webinars – ZOOM)23 June 2021, 13:00 Europe/Lisbon Udocker enables the execution of docker containers in user space without requiring root privileges for installation or use. Udocker…
EOSC Symposium 2021: Implementing an inclusive European Open Science Cloud
16-18 June 2021, online As written on EOSCsecretariat website: “The European Open Science Cloud has finally entered its highly-anticipated implementation phase. The EOSC Symposium will provide a key engagement opportunity for…
Open, trusted and digitally enabled science for an International Community: A workshop on priorities and international alignment for the European Open Science Cloud
As the EOSC enters its implementation phase 2021-2022, the newly published Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda of the EOSC lays out a clear roadmap for the coming decade to ensure commitment,…
PRACE-ETP4HPC Workshop on HPC Education and Training for Industry Users
HPC has been recognised as a strategic tool to increase European competitiveness in industry. This entails investment not only in infrastructure but also in skills development of the labour…
EuroHPC Summit
The EuroHPC Summit Week (EHPCSW) 2021 will gather the main European HPC stakeholders from technology suppliers and HPC infrastructures to scientific and industrial HPC users in Europe. As in previous…